Dear WMQ practitioners,
After months of planning and preparations, Wellness Medical Qigong websites is now ready to launch. We have the service of two teams of IT professional and web consultant, designer and programmers to work on this project. We now have three websites as below:
Members' website: |
General public: |
For sharing of experience: |
Wellness Medical Qigong website structure |
Each of the website designed for their specific purpose, everyone who has attended any WMQ courses conducted by me will be invited to the Members' Website. If you have not receive the invitation email by 30 April 2008, please drop me an email and I will send the invitation letter to you again. Below is brief description of each of the website. this is an exclusive site, access only by invited, registered guests. This site is for practitioners to share, discuss their experience, photo, video, case study, articles etc. Each member will be given a profile page. You can use the comments feature to publish your area of expertise and skills or business you are in. Fellow members can online real-time chat with each others. You can also access the other two sites within this site. I will not spoil the fun by giving you all the details, once received the invitation letter, register and surf the site. this site is for the public. They can obtain information like introduction to WMQ, founder, Grand Masters, Training Courses, Treatment services, our location (direction and map), testimonials, case studies, photo, video, newsletter, list of certified WMQ practitioners, list of professional WMQ practitioners etc. The site is ready and I am in the process of updating the content, welcome your comments and suggestions.
The professional WMQ practitioners' listing is to help to promote the service of our graduates who are in any health related service and profession. Example, I will list Sifu Albert Shoon, Nisa King, Jennie Baker, KC, Victor etc because there are conducting Qigong training. Erik, he is in bone setting. Tony Ng, he is in Therapeutic massage. Tai Lee Choon, he is in TCM etc. If I have missed your name in the listing, please let me know. I am finalizing a list of information to be included for each of the name. You will be request to supply them within next week. You may request to drop your name from the listing as well. this site is for WMQ practitioners, friends, public, patients and anyone to share their experience in medical qigong and post questions. To have a more meaningful sharing, I have set up several topics like Cancer care, Stroke, Bone related, general etc. please post your sharing/comment under each of these topics. You may write to me to propose a new topic.
I will answer any query on the use of the website every Thursday at our Puchong training center after the weekly practice session.
Experience Sharing
I received sharing that is amazing. I select few of them to share with you in this issue.
WMQ Case Record (Dr. Kenny Ng, Australia)
Patient : Martin Reid
Gender : M
Age : 73
Date : 1st treatment 19/01/08 – 1800
2nd treatment 24/01/08 – 2115
Location : Stroke Unit (Neurology Ward) – Austin Hospital, Melbourne Australia
Case Description
Mr. Reid suffered a stroke resulting in Left-sided hemiplegia and difficulty verbalizing (expressive dysphasia).
Treatment approach
In my first treatment, his arm and leg was both cold when scanning. I swept several times (~5-10 times) and proceeded to energize mainly by both hands. There did not appear to have any immediate response and his weakness persisted. Five (5) days later on my 2nd treatment, he already gained 70-80% of his strength back in his Left arm and was able to move/slide his Left leg on the bed. So I repeated the sequence of the first treatment as both limbs still felt colder on scanning. I also attempted to energize his Dan Tian, and as soon as I had my hand over his energy centre, he started to hup, hup, hup as he was speaking to me. I asked him if he felt uncomfortable and he said No, almost as if he did not notice it or did not bother him at all. I remember well, that Sifu has described this in treating hospital patients. After about 10-12 times of hups he stopped the hups spontaneously.
Generally Mr. Reid's strength was returning after treatments. I was also very pleased to see that he was actually able to speak and communicate freely. I do not know what to make of the hiccup like sounds when I energize the Dan Tian in this stroke patient, but it did not hinder me to continue my treatment.
WMQ Case Record (Ms Jennie Baker, UK)
Patient : Miss K. Drury (one of our mature nursing students)
Gender : F
Age : 29
Date : 12/2/08
Problem : Pain in right hand and wrist.
History of incident 2005: (right hand) heavy punch injury against the wall and sustained broken injury to the 4th and 5th Metacarpal, the 5th metacarpal was slightly misplaced. Ever since the incident, she has pain on making a fist and when straightening her 4th and little finger and whenever she rotates her wrist.
1st Treatment: Using Laogong scanning, the injured area felt warmer than other areas of her hand. I rested her hand on my left palm and swept her whole arm several times quickly. I then proceeded to use the tripod method briefly between the 4th and 5th metacarpal and then energised the area using my full palm with circular movements in between sending healing energy through her Laogong point for her full arm. No communication was exchanged during the brief treatment. As soon as I finished I asked her to move her hand. She was startled by the immediate good result as she experienced no pain and bearing in mind that this session took place in the middle of the busy operating theatre with little time to spare. She happened to mention about the pain in her hand and without hesitation I had asked if I could help.
This is the comment she wrote: "during healing there was a feeling of something disappearing, like a weight being shifted and removed, there was a lighter sensation at the fractured sites. I now feel no pain on making a fist or stretching the fingers, wrist movements feel normal (as other hand)".
At the end of the shift I asked about her hand and she replied that felt no pain in her hand. I also enquired about her hand the next day and she experienced no pain. The time frame of the Qigong healing was approximately about 5-7mins.
Brief Personal Healing Experience (Ms Jennie Baker, UK)
I think the following is a wonderful self-healing experience that I wish to share. A long time ago I used to have cramps in my lower leg during the night, but not for many years. However last month I suffered a very bad painful cramp in the middle of the night. I managed, through breathing and massaging my leg, to get relief. A couple of nights later the cramp decided to pay me another visit. This time I used the Qigong diaphragmatic breathing to calm my whole body into total relaxation. At the same time I used my visualization technique to send a thick ring of blue and white energy starting from my thigh traveling very fast down to my foot. The pain was 50% better and I quickly repeated the same sequence and then I was totally pain free. My leg was feeling great and to my surprise I immediately went back to sleep. I never imagined that this healing could take place so swiftly and to be able to be free of pain in minutes.
Bone Related Treatment (posted on the WMQ Blog by Ms Nisa W. King, USA)
I am now live in Pismo Beach, California. Last week I had a chance to treat a lady who has a crooked spine. She also felt her spine being aligned during my treatment. A big Wow and another two ladies who heard her comments had big eyes...
Thanks Sifu.
April 21st, 08
Share with us your experience, "big or small". Every case has something for us to learn. You may post it on the WMQ Blog or email to me.
I am in the process of compiling a series of interesting articles and will post them on the members' website. Register immediately when you receive the invitation letter, subscribe to the newsletter at the WMQ Blog now. Happy surfing.
Best regards,
Sifu Tan Soo Kong
May all being be Healthy and Happy
You may forward this newsletter to any of your friends.
Disclaimer: Though Wellness Medical Qigong is highly effective in promoting optimum health and healing and may accelerate healing, it may not be sufficient for some health related issues. Please work closely with your physician to monitor your need for medications. Information contained in our website, newsletters, E-mails, and by phone is not given or intended to be a substitute or replacement for qualified medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please take responsibility for your own health!
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